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Impending Motherhood Celebration

Since it is Mother's Day, I thought I would revert back to my old style of blogging and share lots of photos of an event that celebrated my impending motherhood: a baby shower. This was the baby shower that was given prior to Little Pumpkin being born. And, strangely enough, both my mother and mother-in-law were able to travel to Wyoming and attend!

The shower hosts were my good friend, Brittany....

...and Tiffany. (Not her kid that she's holding, by the way!)

They had fun activities for the guests to participate in while chatting around, such as writing a note on a diaper...

...and decorating onesies, bibs, and headbands.

The shower was pumpkin themed, which may be how Pumpkin's nickname formed. (Brittany, your subtle ways must be effective!)

They had lots of delicious foods that I was particularly fond of at that time in my life.

My mother-in-law, Christine, decorating a bib.

Myself in all of my 35 weeks pregnant hugeness. Many thanks to Tiffany for finding me a dress in which I actually felt that I looked nice!

The mountain of gifts that everyone was so kind to give for Little Jo (Pumpkin's pseudonym before she was born).

Playing a game of "Guess the Price" for various baby necessities.

Opening gifts...

Lots of well-thought-out gifts.

And shoes. Little Pumpkin started life with more shoes than Jason and I put together!

My mom, Barbara, and I.

Jason's mom, Christine, and I.

My crazy friend, Shannon.

My friend, Sara.

My dear friend, and co-worker at that time, Susan.

A wonderful lady, and friend, Juli.

And these crazy goof-balls, Tiffany and Brittany, who felt it was ok to make fun of my hippo size!
I'm so thankful for all of the photos Britt and Tiffany took at my shower, and I'm sorry I didn't get a photo with everyone that was there. Especially since we ended up moving away 3 months later!

Thanks to everyone for all of the love and generosity that helped us prepare for welcoming our Little Pumpkin into the world 18 months ago!


  1. That was SUCH a fun day!!!! I miss you guys!!!

    1. It was fun a lot of fun, thanks to you guys!! And I miss you all, too!!!


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