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Just A Day In The Life

I made bagels. Yummy yummy bagels. I took Sal's recipe, and instead of putting in raisins and cinnamon, I put in chopped onion and minced garlic. They were super delicious!!! I need to perfect the rolling of the bagels, but other then that, I was impressed. I tried putting sesame seeds on top of them, but only a few succeeded at that.
Along with the bagels, I made Mini's recipe for English Muffins. Again, they were extremely delicious! I wish I had made two batches instead of
one! I now am curious how these two items fare in the freezer. Anyone know?

I also tried making a new recipe of Granola Bars, courtesy of an acquaintance of  Sally's. I studied this recipe for a while, thinking that surely it must be missing some key ingredients. I almost called Sal to double check, but it was on a Sunday and I knew she had never made them before. So I didn't think it would be a good idea to interrupt her nap for that. This recipe consists of wheat flour, brown sugar, oats, salt, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, vanilla, honey, and whatever random dried fruits and nuts you want. Does anyone else see any missing key ingredients? Please consider that the ratio of dry:wet ingredients is about 8:1. I was sure there was some eggs or butter missing. But I decided to go ahead and try the recipe, no questions asked. 
I was kind of surprised with the results, as the mixture was extremely dry and crumbly. Even more so then the other recipe I have. However, I don't think they are exploding granola bars. There were a lot of crumbs after cutting them from the oats and flour that didn't get any sticky stuff on them. And they were extremely hard to cut. But I'm thinking that next time, maybe I should warm the honey up so it's liquidy instead of having it be one large sugary glob that doesn't mix very well. They were also pretty sweet, so I might try to cut down on the brown sugar. However, every recipe I've seen has a lot of brown sugar in it and I'm wondering if that is part what holds the bars together. Once this batch is consumed, I will probably have another go at this recipe.

This weekend, I went grocery shopping. Jason had mentioned that he had wanted to make cookies one night but realized that he had eaten the last eggs on his sandwich. So eggs were on the list of needed groceries. I usually get the 18 pack of eggs, but this time, the dozens were on sale 4 for $5. So I got 4 dozen eggs. After Jason woke up and looked in the fridge, he was making fun of me for buying food in bulk and large quantities. I told him that now he could make cookies, plus I was planning to make him some more breakfast burritos. So a pound of sausage and a half-dozen eggs later, he has 8 large, frozen, breakfast burritos! (We have almost used up a dozen eggs already in just 2 days!)

Gunther helped me bake on Sunday after his run. He is 9 months old now and the last time we weighed him, he was 86lbs. Jason is spoiling him by letting him sleep on the foot of the bed with him during the day and sometimes on the couch. So now Gunther thinks that is his privileged place in the house.
One night last week, about 10pm, I realized that I hadn't seen Gunther for a while and it's very unusual for him to not be in the same room as me whenever he's inside. So I started looking everywhere for him and the last place I looked was the bedroom. And there he was, curled up on the end of the bed sleeping. He has done that several times now, where he will disappear about 10pm and go sleep on the bed.

The couch has become my dresser lately, since Jason is usually asleep when I'm getting ready for work. The first month that he was working nights, he actually slept in the guest room and it worked out quite well as we could both come and go without disturbing the other. However, it just felt kind of weird. So he hung a sheet and blanket over the window in our room so he could sleep in there. Now it wakes him up whenever I go in to get something, so I figured I might as well just leave my clothes out in the living room. Gunther is highly confused, though, as the first thing he does when he gets up is go into the guest room to find Jason. And if Jason isn't there, he goes thru every room in the house looking for him.

This plant was given to me and someone told me it was a Rubber Tree. I previously sent a picture to Jul and asked her how to care for it. She didn't think it was a Rubber Tree, but wasn't sure what it was. I have been watering it about once a week, but I am curious if anyone knows what it is and a good watering schedule for it. (Jason has another plant that I was in the process of killing due to over-watering, so I'm trying to be a bit more conscious of how often this one needs watered.)

 One last tidbit for you: the other evening at work, we had a woman come in with a baby kangaroo on a leash. It was a real live blue kangaroo, just like the skin I brought back from Australia! Everyone in the store went nuts over it, which is understandable. From what I heard, this woman got the roo from Nebraska, which seems odd. She apparently rescues exotic animals and somehow a kangaroo needed rescuing. I didn't take any photos of the roo, but everyone else sure did! 
I guess you just never know what's going to happen during a regular day in the life!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had some success with the breads, even if the granola bars haven't reached perfection yet! The bagels freeze fabulously. I've never had enough English muffins left over to try freezing them, but I think they would hold up fine, at least for a few weeks. I think the dog named after me is very pretty! I think I might need her to stand in for me in photos occasionally! Thanks for sharing the picture. Oh, as for your egg situation, tell Jason we get a pack of 90 from Costco, and back before we were eating oatmeal every other morning, it seemed like we went through a pack of them about every 10 days!


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