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Our Steamboat Weekend

A few weekends ago, Jason and I had the privilege of going to Steamboat with several friends for 3 days. We were very privileged to have Glen come out here to go with us. It was both Glen and Jason's first time at Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Jason and our friend Shannon were the only skiers. Glen joined the rest of us in snowboarding. And, it was literally his first time legitimately snowboarding.

Glen, myself, and Jason in the Gondola
It was a lot of fun, even though
the conditions were not ideal. It was definitely spring skiing - Steamboat hadn't gotten any fresh snow for a few weeks. So the groomed trails would freeze solid overnight and be hard to ski or board until 10:30, or 11, when it would start to melt.

Glen carving up the ice.
Glen said he had only ever snowboarded with a piddly little snowboard behind Mom and Dad's house. But he did amazing at Steamboat!

He was linking turns together on his first run down the mountain!

Jason on his personally owned skis, boots, and poles!

Last fall, Jason invested in some ski boots that fit way better than any rental boots. Because of his wide, flat feet, any rentals would hurt his feet so bad that he couldn't ski more than one run down the mountain before having to take the boots off, pretty much. He got special boots that are extra wide so he's more comfy. Also, a co-worker gave him their old pair of skis this winter, and then Jason went and bought ski poles! So he now has the whole outfit!

Our friend Tiffany

Jason and Glen went about the same speed, especially on the frozen solid stuff, so they stuck together pretty well.

Our friends Shaun and Tiffany

During one of our breaks. The weather was pretty much perfect for me, even though the snow conditions weren't ideal. I didn't spend 90% of my time freezing and my hands and feet never went numb. In fact, I occasionally got kind of warm with the sunshine and my black jacket!

Glendo-bendo comin' down the mountain.

And there he goes!
On our second day of snowboarding/skiing, Brittany asked me,"Why couldn't you have been this good on your first time snowboarding? He's already carving!" I attributed his success to riding a rip-stick at a young age, possibly skate-boarding, and of course, the little snowboard at Mom and Dad's!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! He even snowboarded with his cowboy hat! Is that the custom, or just Glen's custom? Anyway, I'm glad he did so well. I bet he also spent a lot of time riding a pogo stick, and also those very tall stilts I gave Katie one year.


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