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Things I am Looking Forwards To....

 We moved. Actually, in the past 3 months, we have moved twice.

About 3 months ago, we packed up our stuff, sold our house in Kansas, and moved back to Wyoming. It was a good move, but it wasn't without it's trials and tribulations, not to mention hard work. We chose to rent a small-ish townhouse while we looked for a house to buy. And by small, it's definitely not the tiniest rental, but with Jason working from home and taking online classes, an active toddler, and a large dog, the space gets small. Fast. We have been making do, only unpacking some of the essentials, and leaving everything else boxed up and stored in the garage.

Yeah, a garage. See? It's really not the shabbiest rental at all. It just does not have a lot of space to get away from each other (some people prefer to have their personal time), does not have a lot of space between the people that are on the phone working all day and the people that are living daily life, and does not have a lot of space to expend 2 year-old energy. That issue with having pent up energy is especially prevalent due to the fact that there is very little yard. The only fenced area is a small, rocked dog-run, basically. And, while Pumpkin likes to gather rocks for her "rock co-wection," that activity only lasts so long. So even though I thought we could live here just fine for 6-9 months (my idea, not Jason's), some of these truly first-world issues have been getting a little old.

We spent 2 months looking for a house to buy (which really isn't that long of a time period when I think about it). We soon realized that we couldn't afford our perfect house on the perfect sized lot in the perfect location. There were a couple houses that almost filled all of those dreams, but were way out of our pay-scale. After finding a couple houses that we really liked for what they were, and losing out to the highest bidder, we finally found a house that was just a few days out from going on the market. We got a private showing, and though it is not the type of house I specifically was looking for, nor in our preferred choice of location, it had enough desirable elements about it that we decided to try and get it. And, after some negotiating, we had a contract on the house and just had to jump through the typical hoops to close the deal.

While waiting the required 30 days to finalize everything, I began to think of some things about the new house that I was really looking forwards to:

  • A large-ish fenced backyard that I can see from the kitchen/dining room. Little Pumpkin loves to play, and just be outside. At our previous house, although the yard was fenced she still needed good supervision and the yard was not visible from the kitchen where I usually hang out.

At the townhouse rental, we had to plan to walk down to the park, or over to the field to play in the dirt. She would have spent hours in the dirt if possible! I am really looking forwards to Pumpkin being able to just go outside and enjoy the freedom and creativity that a larger fenced yard will offer!

I was also quite looking forwards to having a fenced yard for Gunther to enjoy. At the townhouse, he was pretty much stuck inside except for when it was nice enough to sit out on the porch, or when we took him for one of his multiple daily bathroom walks. Having a postage stamp backyard, or no yard at all, just doesn't really work for us.

  • A covered porch. Not only does the new house have a larger fenced backyard, but it has a large, covered, back porch!

The idea that not only will I enjoy having a back porch for once, but that Little Pumpkin will be able to still enjoy being outside pretty much no matter the weather was quite exciting! She will love riding her "motorcycle" out there, and jumping on her much requested trampoline!

  • Summer bed-sheets. That's right, I am looking forwards to not sleeping on flannel sheets in an 80 degree house! When we moved into the townhouse, it was still pretty cold and didn't really get hot until early-to-mid June. So the flannel sheets that I had kept un-packed worked just fine. Until it got hot. Those non-flannel sheets are still in a box....

....Somewhere in this pile of our earthly belongings that have been hanging out in the garage for a few months. Sleeping on flannel sheets during hot summer nights with no air conditioner, and no shade to help cool the house, was a bit uncomfortable. It will be quite nice to find and use those summer bed-sheets again! (The same goes for all my summer clothes that are still packed up!)

  • Space. I am looking forwards to having some space inside the house in which a 2 year old can burn off energy. Our previous house was pretty good for that, but that space was also right next to Jason's office room where he was trying to work. So...burning off energy inside the house during working hours was not always welcomed.

The main floor of the townhouse offered some space, but some days it wasn't quite enough for this "motorcycle" riding girl who would try to take Gunther for walks in the house. His leash literally reached the entire way across the room, so it was a bit small for a good indoor dog walk! Our new house has more space, and it is away from Jason's office! So I am hopeful that we won't run out of room to burn off energy!

  • Mature shade trees. Our last house, and the townhouse, did not have mature trees, and I think it makes a huge difference on keeping a house cool in the summer. The new house has several mature shade trees and I am quite looking forwards to them! Especially since this house also does not have air conditioning. I fully expect those trees to help keep us cool during the summer!
  • Lids for my cooking pots. I only unpacked a couple boxes of kitchen things when we got into the townhouse, and while I unearthed a few cooking pots the lids were not packed in the same box! (My packing strategy may not have been the best one so far...) I have been able to make do, most of the time, by just using the other pot as a lid, but when I needed to cook in all 3 pots at one time....well, things just didn't get covered while they cooked!
  • Likewise, I am excited to have more than one scraper (or, it may  technically be called a "spatula?") available when cooking and baking. There has been more than once that I had to stop and wash my single scraper while trying to make food, or stop the dishwasher mid-cycle to retrieve the needed utensil because I forgot that I would need it. So while I sometimes think I have too much kitchen stuff, there are a few things that I am excited to have back in circulation after we unpack at the new house!

There have been other things about the new house that I have looked forwards to, but those are probably the top ones. When I first started this post, we were a week away from moving into the new house. Time constraints, and getting back into the "groove" of how to get pictures into my blog posts, caused a bit of a delay. As such, I can say that we did finalize the purchase of our new house and have been enjoying it for just under a week! I still need to find the box with the summer bed-sheets in it, though....

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