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A Day At The Lake: Part 2

   In case you missed it, the first part of the day is here.

While everyone else was skiing, Little Miss Sylvia was busy trying to decide what she thought of the lake.
Miriam, Sylvia, Sally, and Susannah

Glen was doing some deep thinking that day.

Jason must've given up skiing for the hula!

Sam was trying to figure it out, too.

During all the excitement, Rachel took a nap.

This was the little kids "lake on land" that Peewee and Sally set up.

Between Mom and Sherman, there were plenty of grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone!

Huck Finn's modern day fishing adventure: Daniel, Bobby, and Sherman.

Paddling back was apparently a lot harder then expected!

Jason going for a boat ride!

Daniel having fun in the sun while trying to not get burnt.

Glen perfecting his skills on one ski....

and sticks the landing!

Later in the day, Jason decided to give water-skiing one more chance, even though he does not understand the attraction, or thrill, that we all have for it.

Paul and Hannah were the cheering squad riding in the boat.

This is what all of Jason's skiing photos look like. As his instructor, I would like to say that he wasn't having any problems with balance at all. He just had problems holding on to (and wanting to hold on to) the rope.

Next, it was Katelyn's turn to try one ski. Hannah supervised from the back of the boat.

Katelyn made many valiant efforts, but...

She eventually asked for the second ski.

Paul took a turn overseeing the skiers when his dad, Andrew tried one ski.

After about two tries (and maybe lots of coaching from Paul,) he was up like a pro! He got the last run in of the day on this trip.

   The day was getting all and it was time to pack up and go home. There was a mad rush of eating food before it got packed away, sorting out what stuff belonged to whom, packing each individual car, changing little kids out of wet swimsuits and into dry clothes, and there was a "hurry up and get home" attitude going on. And just as my car-load thought we were leaving... turned into happy hour! That's when people were actually able to visit and so there was lots of eating, and talking, going on. Eventually, though, we did get the caravan headed down the road and we all followed the boat home.

Katelyn and Luke had the privilege of riding with Jason and I. (At least I thought it was a privilege for them....I never asked if they agreed!)

   All in all, it was a good day at the lake. I think everyone enjoyed themselves, and I don't think there was a little person there that didn't have a blast. I don't remember any crocodile tears being shed or any sirens wailing. And although it was 8 little people vs. 13 adults, I believe we all fared quite well.


  1. When Sherman got home and was telling how great the day was, I told him I was so glad, because I was a little worried that he would be bored or wouldn't have great time. He looked at me and said, "dear, there were a TON of little kids running around ALL the time!! How could that be boring??" Good point. Katie

  2. Thanks so much for the pics! I had some concerned thoughts thruout the day about having so many littles and not a lot of big people. But it seems as though all went well and it was a teddy bear of an experience!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing the pics. The day was pretty much perfect, only improvement would have been a little more sunscreen! ;)

  4. I loved seeing all of these pictures! It's so much fun for me to peek into your family through the perspective of various siblings. I'm your family's biggest stalker, I think!! ;-)

    I must say that I'm with Jason about water-skiing - I, too, don't exactly understand the attraction or thrill. I tried it once when I was working at a camp by a lake in upstate New York (during college days), and...well...let's just say all my attempts ended up like Jason's! :)

  5. Great postings, Lucy! So glad to be with you both on such a perfect lake day! Peewee

  6. Loved seeing all the pics! Lots of things I didn't get to see from my post on land. I agree it was a GREAT DAY! A second "lake day" this year? Just say "when" and we'll try to make it happen. Maybe some of those "others" could make it then. Thanks to all who made it a fun day!

  7. Thanks for all the pictures! I love seeing my kids so happy and beautiful. I was so glad Rachel Anne had such a good day at the lake. Your pictures show that.


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