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That Day In Tas When Jul Spied Upon A Miner

On our way out of Strahan (which you can read about here), we stopped to dip our toes in the ocean.

I don't know if this would be considered the part of the Great Australian Bight,

or the Indian Ocean, or the Tasman Sea.

Whichever body of water it is, Jul and Linden were in it on this chilly day.

It was really pretty, as the weather had just started to clear up.

Linden was so funny with his rolled up pants!

Have I mentioned that Jul and Linden took some great photos on this trip?

Me contemplating the ocean and the solitude...

On the way back to the car, we had to get some photos with the native grasses and ocean in the background.

After this stop, we continued our journey northeast. We stopped for gas in a small town somewhere along the way. I think it was in Zeehan, which was an old mining town. If I remember correctly, we saw some interesting landmarks of history there.

I don't recall what these were, but I'm assuming they have to do with mining, which is still going on to some extent. (Edit 12/6/18: Zeehan was an old silver mining town, but the last mine shut down in 1960. Zeehan remains home to miners that work in Savage River and Renison Bell.)

And this young man, my fine ladies and gents, is the miner that Jul "subtly" spied upon and took his picture. She will deny it all day long, but that is what really happened. I think Linden was pumping gas during this escapade, and Jul and I were sitting in the car taking in the "sights." If you look closely enough, the man is looking directly at the camera, so I don't think Jul's secret spy skills are up to par. (In my post about Queenstown, there is also a little information on this photo.) (Edit 12/06/18: I don't remember exactly why she had to get a photo of a miner, but she didn't want to be obvious about it. She thought she could take the photo very nonchalantly, from the car, without the person noticing. I am positive the guy noticed.)

After that small episode, we continued driving. I have yet to recall where this lake/dam was at on our drive, but it was significant enough for us to stop and take pictures.

If I remember right, the water seemed to be awful black which was slightly disturbing.

Our end goal to this drive was to get to Upper Natone, Tasmania. Check back for the continuation of this trip!


  1. That miner didn't seem to be grinning for the camera! Jul's charisma and charm must not have impressed him!

  2. Sally, Jul was sitting in the car and the miner was on the other side of the street. Jul was trying to take his picture without him knowing, but I don't think it worked. She thought she was being inconspicuous, but as you can see, the guy was looking right at her. So I'm pretty sure he knew he was being photographed, which may be why he looks so grouchy. Pesky tourists and all, you know?


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