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15 Weeks

   This past Saturday Gunther turned 15 weeks old. I weighed him today and he is a whopping 36 pounds! I can't get get him to hold still long enough to measure him, so I don't know how tall or long he is. I did get his front leg measured and it was roughly 12" long. He has been eating a lot more lately, so I think he has gone thru a growth spurt. I don't have many new pictures of him, but when Jason was out climbing last week, they got this photo of him.

This is our almost 15 week old rock climbing son.

(3/13/18 Edit: I am fairly certain that there was a lot more to this post originally. It appears that most of it has disappeared, much to my dismay. I do not remember what all was on here, so I can't even begin to re-create it. Sad day! I must invest in an external hard drive so that I can back up my blog for safe keeping.)


  1. You know, usually when people title a post "15 Weeks" that means they are fifteen weeks pregnant and show a picture of a flat tummy that's going to be a baby bump. Are you sure this isn't a dual purpose post? ;)

  2. Sally, No, this isn't a dual purpose post. I hope you're not disappointed. Gunther is our only child right now.


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