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Christmas Vacation

This past Christmas, our vacation took us to Missouri and Arkansas. Sadly, we were not able to make it to Virginia this time. On our drive to Missouri, we passed a museum that I have asked about every single time I have driven past it (which is about 4 or 5 times now). This time, we decided to stop. That's what vacations are all about, right?

Outside of this giant building is lots of huge military vehicles, which is what always caught my eye driving past.
Inside, there was a lot more to see than I ever imagined. Jason, who wasn't so keen on stopping, even got excited about it!

One of the many cars that were super neat to see. I believe it was a German military vehicle.

Inside...I thought the wooden floorboards were pretty cool.

And it can become a boat!
One really neat aspect of this museum is that almost every vehicle in it runs. I think that there were only 2 or 3 vehicles that were not driveable.

Yet another super interesting vehicle. It has skis!

Jason was very excited to see tanks, helicopters, and trucks that he used while he was deployed.

And they had the actual helicopter from the MASH tv show. Again, another highlight for Jason.

I thought it was cool to find a Mack truck.

It was kind of strange, though, as it was chain driven.

And of course a motorcycle. Or scooter, as I believe it was officially called.

A little bit of history on the above scooter.

After driving for what seemed like a week, we finally got to Jason's parents in Missouri. I didn't get a whole lot of photos, but I got a few of the random activities that we participated in.

Playing the game of "Spoons" has become a Christmas tradition. Somehow, at the end of the game, it always comes down to Jason, his dad, and his sister Jessica. And then Jessica loses and it is a battle between Jason and his dad. I have to say though, I have never seen people play such a wild, no rules apply, game of "Spoons" like these folks do!

Jessica and Jason with their grandparents.
One day, we went and visited Jason's grandparents in Kansas. They are famous for playing a card game called "Pitch." To my understanding, Grandma and Grandpa used to play this game until 3 or 4am with their friends every week. I don't think they stay up so late anymore, but they still get together with friends and play at least once a week.

Jason and I.
While we were there, Pitch was on the top of the list after eating lunch. Grandpa took it upon himself to teach me and help me learn. After a while, as I was getting pretty decent at the game, I figured out that he was being a sly fox and continuing to use his "instructor rights" to see my cards and know how to deal!

After visiting the grandparents, Jason wanted to go on down to Arkansas to visit an old Army buddy. It was only about 2 or 3 more hours down the road, and I got to see Arkansas for the first time. Although it was dark, I determined that it seems to be a lot like West Virginia.

Another family activity this Christmas was shooting and cleaning guns. Good family bonding time, eh?

I have to put in a photo of my handsome man!

Jessica and her husband, Dylan
Monopoly was yet another game played this year. (Can you tell we played a lot of games?)

Again, I learned that Jason's family can't be trusted when it comes to games. Jason and his dad, unbeknownst to the rest of us, had some kind of domination conspiracy going and were passing money under the table. As in lots of money - like ten of the gold $500 bills! Yet whenever they had to pay rent, they would always make a big deal about having to scrape together enough resources to pay! So if you are ever playing games with them, keep a sharp eye out!

Some of my great gifts this from Jason's parents and sister. It's great having a sister-in-law that does Tupperware!
Our Christmas Vacation this year was very laid back and relaxing. We enjoyed not being rushed to hurry and see as many people as possible, although it was disheartening not to make it to Virginia. Hopefully next year!

1 comment:

  1. I think #8 would make a GREAT canvas!


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