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The Longest Christmas Season

I think that this year, Christmas lasted for about 3 months. Jason and I had our own Christmas on December 25th, of course. After that, we went to visit his family as you can read about here. We spent the last of December and New Years with them. 
After coming home in January, every few weeks I'd get either an e-mail, phone message, or text message from someone in my family saying that there was going to be a Christmas package coming at some point. I think the first package that arrived later in January was from Jul and Linden. Jason, who was still working night-shifts at that time wanted to hurry up and open the package before he went to work that night.

There were specific instructions in the package on what Jason was to open and what I was to open.

Jason's gift was a lovely (maybe?) pair of silk pajamas. He pulled it out and looked at it, then at me and said, "Am I supposed to wear this?" It was supposed to be a joke and I knew about it, but I can't remember now what the joke was about!

His real gift was a very warm blanket for our couch. It has gotten a lot of use this year.

A few weeks later, we received another Christmas package in the mail, this time from Mom and Dad. They shared some of the bounty of candy leftover from New Years, as well as lots of pictures and other information about all the Christmas festivities that year.

We got some steak knives to go with our knife set. Jason absolutely loves having knives that will cut, instead of our old, dull, sad knives.

I got some Tupperware freezer containers that have been very useful in freezing stuff for Jason's lunches.

Jason also got a Belgian waffle maker. So now he doesn't have to suffer through eating pancakes. Apparently waffles are way better than pancakes.....I'm not sure how, though, because he eats butter and maple syrup on his waffles!!! I keep trying to educate him that pancakes get maple syrup, and waffles get honey. That's just the way it is. But, he is of the opinion that I am the uneducated one in the area of how to properly eat waffles.

Regardless, our Christmas Season at this point had lasted into February. I think there were a few times that Jason asked if any more Christmas packages were coming, or if Christmas was officially over now. I believe it was a few weeks later that I received another message that there was still a Christmas box (or maybe now it was a "Happy Day Box") coming at some point. This package arrived in March and was from Peewee's family. I didn't take any photos of this package and it arrived just as Jason was leaving for the week. So I got to enjoy the delicious chocolate cake, along with the hot chocolate mix. We also got a large jar of honey which Jason will occasionally use on his waffles (I think it's against his religion, though). There was some frozen bacon which is going to be put to good use for a meal sometime soon. And it seems as though there were other things in this package, but I can't recall for sure.
I believe it was after that package that our Christmas Season was considered officially over. I do believe it was the longest celebration of Christmas that I have ever experienced!
Thanks, everybody, for all the gifts and for giving us something to look forwards too, even after Christmas!

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