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It's Been Awhile.....

.....since I posted anything on here. As in close to 4 months. My last posts were continuing the journey that Jul, Linden, and I did around Tasmania. I have another post in the series started, but not finished. But I decided that I was going to take a bit of time tonight to try and post more current things.

One of the biggest events so far this year was when my sister, Katie, came out to visit for a week.

 She got to experience a great Wyoming winter, minus the wind, while she was here. I think the warmest day we had during her visit was probably around 15 degrees.
 These photos were just before she got a haircut. I think it was about 2 degrees that day, but she still took a great photo!!

 She got to meet Gunther, which I believe was her biggest reason for coming to visit!

 After her haircut - doesn't she look great?!

 Another one of her goals while visiting was getting Gunther to sleep with her.

One day we went down to Copper Mountain in Colorado to do some skiing and snowboarding with my friends Brittany and Justin. She got to experience some treacherous driving due to a snowstorm the night before, as well as some great scenery along the way.

We introduced Katie to the Mama Moose and Baby Moose that live in Walden.

She got to see how Colorado scrapes their roads.

And more beautiful, snow covered scenery.
As per Brittany's and my tradition, we missed a turn along the way and ended up adding an extra hour to our trip.

But we finally made it to Copper Mountain.

Katie getting ready to bring out her skiing skills!

It was a great day to be at Copper! The view was clear, it wasn't windy, and it wasn't too cold - I'm thinking it was in the teens that day.

Somewhere down in that valley is the bottom of the ski hill!

Katie did great for having not skied for a few years and being on the biggest mountain yet in her skiing career!

I wish I had gotten more photos that day, but my camera was not agreeing to working in those temperatures.

After Copper, we spent another day at a smaller ski hill in Wyoming, where Jason was able to go with us. That day, it was about -10 degrees, I think. Katie spent the day learning how to snowboard and did amazingly well at it. I spent the day with Jason teaching him how to ski for the first time. He also did really well. Again, my camera protested the temperatures, thus I did not get any photos. I will mention that after spending a couple of hours out snowboarding, Katie's face (what wasn't covered up) may have been a little, ahem, blue. But she had a lot of fun anyways, I think.

On the last day that she was here, we went to the Depot Museum. This model train is made completely out of wood, and if I remember correctly, all the parts are movable.

 Some last photos of Katie with Gunther the evening before she left.

 Gunther really liked her, and I think she liked him, too.

 While we were driving to the park that evening, we passed this beauty parlor. It is significant because Katie's husbands name is "Sherman." (That isn't where she got her hair cut at, though!)

And the next day, Jason took Katie back to the airport to fly away home. Thanks for coming to visit, Katie! It was a lot of fun and I hope you enjoyed it, too!

1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun out there! And I have to admit, Gunther was a big part of why I wanted to go see you! I really do like him and he is a great dog! (except that he doesn't know he's a dog :P ) Next time I come, I think I'll try out your summer though.


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