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A Snippet of Our Daily Life

There is a certain person in this house that has gone soft for Gunther. There was a hard-fast rule established when we got Gunther that he was not allowed on the furniture or on the bed. As you can see, that rule has gone by the wayside. This person's excuse? "But Gunther snuggles with me while I sleep during the day." Since someone else broke the rule first, I must confess that I now use Gunther to warm up my feet at night!
Gunther is quite a bit of a pansy. Here he is waiting for me to come back up from the basement. He is 10 months old and has yet to go down the basement steps. He is scared of them. When I go down to do laundry, he sits right there and waits for me to come back up. If I stand at the bottom and call to him, he whimpers and whines and then runs back into the kitchen. If I just stand there and wait, eventually, he will peek around the door to see if I'm still there. He's a funny boy!

Since I got my piano, Gunther has a new hangout. Whenever I am playing the piano for more then 5-10 minutes, he gets a toy and comes and lays under the bench or the side of the piano. Occasionally, I'll look down and he will be laying there with his head cocked to one side, staring up at the bottom of the piano listening.

This might be unkind, but this photo is just to show everyone what Meja brought me from Australia. And we had already eaten a pack of both kinds!

1 comment:

  1. How cute that Gunther enjoys your piano playing!! So glad you can get back into it! Oooohhh, the torture of the TimTams!! I love your blog! Peewee


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