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The Annual Family Photo

Every year at New Year's, we take a family photo. They are usually done at home with a camera timer and tripod. This year, since everyone was gathered at one spot for the reception, we asked Esther if she would take the photo. Here is the result:

How much more of a professional photo can you get? I think we should hire Esther's services every year!!
(Just in case you're wondering, yes, there are three people missing this year.)

Just for comparison, here is the previous years photo.


  1. Wow...wish we could've made it for that photo! It is the best one! Great job Esther!

  2. Very, very nice! Wow! Wish everyone would've been there to make it complete! Esther's the best photographer yet! Gail

  3. P.s. Can we get copies? Gail


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