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After the Wedding - Part I

This photo was actually taken on Day 2 of our trip, I believe, but I didn't have it when I wrote that post.
 We had 3 days left in Jamaica after our wedding  (you can catch up on that here - Our Wedding - Dec. 6). Here are the rest of the photos, not in any particular order.

I tried to take an artsy photo of our rings.

We ate dinner one night at Tokyo Joe's where they stir-fry your dish in front of you.

It was hard to get a photo of the huge flames.

They had a drink called "Tokyo Joe's Special." The waitress listed off the long list of ingredients in it and all I can remember is: gin, rum, vodka, fruit punch, and maybe tequila. That was about half the list, I'd say. We thought we'd give it a go, just for kicks. These are the drinks at the end of the meal - Jason's on the right, mine on the left. It was not our kind of drink, can you tell?

One evening we took in the resort talent show. There was all kinds of talent, from break-dancing to skits to music to this guy breathing fire.

Sorry it's a bad photo. It was hard to get a good picture.
Another day we went scuba-diving. Jason has done it many times, while I was a newbie. We had to take the little class in the pool before-hand. I did not like the pool experience, but once we were in the ocean, it was really fun.

Jason's and my flippers. Apparently I have small feet, as the adult flippers did not fit me.

 Me in my baby flippers.

Can you find the sting ray in the photo below?

The dive instructor, Big D, feeding the fishies.

This photo is courtesy of the resorts underwater photographer, Lenroy.

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