Photo Disclaimer

All photos on "A Journey Thru Pictures" blog are property of the author. Please refrain from copying photos without permission. -Thank you.


Your Opinion

   I am taking a poll about my blog. Your response will help me know if I need to change anything.
The questions are: Are the photos to large? And, does it take to long to load onto your computer?
Please let me know what you're experiencing on the viewing end.  Thank you!


  1. It shows up just perfect for me, and takes about zero time to load.

  2. It works great for me. I like bigger pictures. :) Sometimes a picture will be all black, or only 1/2 load, but if I refresh the page it usually fixes the problem (and sometimes I think that might be while you're working on the blog?). I vote to keep it all the same, unless you want to make a change. People with dial-up might have issues, but that is a rare thing these days.

  3. They seem fine to me....the one thing you might want to consider changing is putting sorta like an index at the top, or to the side where people can easily access which "post" they want to see.
    However, I have no clue about blogs, soooo....that may not be pertinent?
    When do we get to see pics of your receptions?
    LOVED your christmas tree!


I enjoy reading your comments: thoughts, constructive criticism, response, etc. Thanks for sharing with me!