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Celebrating the End of 25 Years as a Spinster

The Saturday before Jason and I left for our wedding trip, my friend Brittany hosted a bachelorette party for me.

 The theme was pink... 



...and wine!

It was a small group of friends and an evening full of fun and lots of laughs!


Brittany had everyone write down advice for me on cards, which I then had to read and guess who it came from.

There was also a game similar to "Pin the Tail on the Donkey," which with a little wine and chocolate was quite hilarious!

There were other games such as, "Guess Those Legs" and "Jason Trivia," and then there were gifts.

Most of us had planned to be out until about 9 or 9:30pm that night, but Brittany was such a good host and everything was so good that we didn't realize how late it was. It was definitely a fun-filled evening.
Thanks for helping me celebrate the end of my spinster-hood, Brittany!


  1. I LOVE this! I absolutely love the picture of you decked out in all that pink and the pink feathers! It sounds like it was a great party and just the way to mark the end of your *cough, cough* "spinsterhood". (I don't think you ever fully achieved that status! If you had, then what does that say about me?) (It looks like the girl in doing the pinning forgot to take an electrode off her arm after having an EKG done.)

    Now, I can't wait for the pictures and details of your wedding. There's a rumor going around that you got married on the 6th rather than the 5th as you had planned due to some snaffoo.

  2. AH,,,, i have hears about these games that are "similar" to pin the tail on donkey!!!! Julia


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