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Our First House - The Kitchen

This little rental house was our first house when we got married.
The kitchen is small. And it was kind of dirty (mainly the cupboards) when I moved in.

Almost all the cupboard doors looked like this.

 And the cupboard shelves all looked like this after my roommate, Leisa, and I tore out the ugly, dirty shelf-liner.

We even found a piece of melted chocolate underneath the shelf-liner in one cupboard. Yuck!

I first tried cleaning the cupboards with hot water, Pine Sol, and a scrub brush, as that's what my cleaning supplies consisted of at the time. But that didn't even put a dent into this greasy grime. So I went to the supermarket and got some stuff called "Dirty Jobs All Purpose Heavy Duty Degreaser." Thankfully, it worked well and I got most of the grit, grease, and grime out of, and off of, the cupboards. 
Now my kitchen looks something like this:

You might notice that the cupboards above the stove are quite high. The bottom shelf is very kind in that it comes right level with my eyebrows. In fact, I just went and looked and our refrigerator is not much higher then the bottom shelf!

Those cupboards are the pantry cupboards, so I spend a lot of time on my tiptoes, or else drag a chair in there to get to anything higher than the bottom shelf.

Next, we have the dishwasher, sink, and dish cupboards. (Please don't mind the mess. These photos were taken in the midst of moving things in. We are still working on that process.)

The dish cupboards are a bit lower, which means I can reach the second shelf without a stool.

I just realized that I am missing a photo. One set of cupboards which you aren't seeing are the ones above the kitchen sink. And they are crazy high up on the ceiling. Which all the cupboards go all the way up to the ceiling. However, for the set above the sink, the bottom shelf is a bit above Jason's head. He can reach them, but I pretty much have to stand on the counter in order to see into them. 

Stay tuned for part two in the tour of our house!


  1. I am tuned! I love your cozy kitchen! It looks so neat and clean. (Mess?! What mess? I was thinking, "This is so neat, all cleaned up, no clutter" and so on, and then I read "excuse the mess, we're moving in". I'm WADING through toys, papers, dirty dishes, etc. over here. Enjoy you kitchen, and I hope you get some stools for wedding presents (or a nice pair of stilts). It would be interesting to find out if the person who built this house was 6' 7" or something like that.

  2. Love the kitchen! But, did the builders think you were going to eat frozen pizzas on paper plates for life? That kitchen sink is about big enough to dip your big toe in and that's all! You might need to do some pioneering and get a big ol' washtub for hand washing pots and pans. :) I noticed the Kitchen-Aid, too. :) Did you paint the kitchen walls? I like that color, whatever color it is. In the pictures it looks similar to our new Master Bedroom color. How fun it must be to be setting up home FOR! REAL!!!

  3. Awww..that's no mess. have fun! It looks very nice :) We'll drop in on our jet plane one afternoon.

  4. Mini, I did not paint the kitchen walls. That was the color it came with and I plan to leave it that way.


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