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Colorado Bound, Episode I

   Last week, Jason and I were able to take off of work for a week of vacation. We decided to take Gunther and explore Colorado! Thankfully, Gunther has had lots of experience with long car rides from the very first day we brought him home, so he traveled very well.

Our first stop took us to Colorado Springs where we walked thru the Garden of the Gods.
This photo is the entrance of the Garden of the Gods with Pikes Peak in the background.
The Garden of the God's is basically an area full of giant, unique rocks.

Jason and Gunther at "The Gateway."

There were lots of climbers out that day, which made Jason want to climb.

It was a pretty stinkin' hot day and Gunther wanted to stop and rest in every little bit of shade he could find. He drank pretty much an entire bottle of water on our walk.

We tried to get a "family" picture, but Gunther wasn't interested in smiling nicely for any of them.

I don't know if you can tell, but the medium sized skinny rock in this photo has about 6 climbers on it.

A closer up photo.

This one better depicts how skinny it really was.

And a view from the other side...

Call me crazy, but for some reason, this climb looked like it would be really fun. Jason got a book for climbing in the Garden of the Gods and he really wants to go back and climb. If he does, I may be up for climbing this one!
This last photo is of Pike's Peak, which is one of the many 14'ers in Colorado.

After the crazy hot walk in the Garden of the God's, we took Gunther to a really nice dog park. It had a creek running thru it that he could play in. At first, he didn't like the water and would just put his front paws in and bite at the running water. Then after he saw lots of other dogs running thru it, he finally got all the way in and loved hopping around in it. After he was tired, he came up to where Jason was sitting and just plopped down on the log and dog watched for a bit.

To be continued....

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