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5 Steps to Moving Furniture

When moving furniture up and down basement stairs by yourself, there are 5 steps you should follow.
 #1. Take off all of the removable parts and pieces possible.
#2. Use a rug to move furniture around on a wood floor.
#3. Don't move anything up or down the stairs that you aren't willing to let fall.
#4. Never move something that you can't lift completely off the floor by yourself.
#5. (The most important step) Have a faithful dog to watch your every move.

Today, I rearranged some furniture. I actually started the process earlier this week when I put the big vanity into place in the guest room.

Jason did help me move this in from the garage, so I didn't do it all by myself.
Today, however, I moved
some other furniture around and emptied SIX boxes! YAY!!!

I brought our other bed upstairs, a twin, for the guest room and made it. Originally, I thought I wanted the bed downstairs. But we are expecting two guests in the near future and I think it will be better to have the small bed upstairs.

I moved this dresser (from our room) and headboard into the downstairs bedroom. Eventually I hope to have a double (or maybe queen) bed in this room. But furniture buying is in the distant future for us.

With the small dresser emptied and moved out of our room, I moved this big dresser over into it's spot. Jason and I are now sharing this dresser and the walk-in closet. (I discovered that one of the drawers is empty today...we may need more clothes!)

These shelves were already in the closet and they are now holding our shoes on the bottom and our shirts and pants. And yes, all the clothes you see here are pretty much all of mine and Jason's clothing. (He does have a separate closet for military clothes.) And the pile on the floor is our collection of zippered sweat jackets. I have a plan for hanging those on the wall. I just haven't executed the plan yet.

We now have an empty space on that wall. I might have to study this new layout and determine if there's a better arrangement.

The last thing I moved downstairs was the bookcase and all the boxes of books. (There were 5 boxes of books and 1 box of random, miscellaneous stuff.) I placed it in the great room of the basement behind the couch. This bookshelf was originally in the office, but I didn't like it there. I'm not quite sure what Jason thought, but I guess I'll find out when he returns.

This is where the bookcase was originally, covering up the faceless bugs and butterflies. I think this is the first room I will paint. I don't know what color, but I'm going to start with Kilz! Jason said he wants it to be white, because the room is currently so dark. I discovered that part of the reason for the darkness is due to the black "blackout" curtains. They very effectively block out the light!

Early this week, I had found a very nice desk set. It was the desk, a return, and a two drawer lateral filing cabinet. I was excited to go see it and quite possibly buy it to improve our office room. The day we were to go look at it, Jason got some information about his rental property. It has been rented out for over 2 years with a property management group overseeing it. Apparently, the renters walked out a couple months ago, never told anyone, and left the house in need of some work. They had sent Jason the estimate for all the house repairs that day, and he said that we needed to keep our little 36" particle board desk for a while longer. And that we weren't going to be looking for his new basement couch for quite a while. So, that is why we won't be getting any new furniture, or remodeling the kitchen, or doing extreme home makeovers any time soon. 'Tis kind of sad, but, that's the way the pickle squirts!


  1. You are an amazing furniture mover! Great job! I love seeing your new house get arranged and situated.
    Sorry about that rental situation. It sure is a bummer that you can only spend money once! Hopefully the rental will soon get the greenbacks going the other direction---in, not out!

  2. P.S. I'll bet those faceless critters are intended to put a picture of your own (or your kids or pets, etc.) up on the wall where their face would be in the painting.


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