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"Mom Photos" for Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day, and I shared this post that was sort-of related to the occasion. But, I thought I would do another post of "Mom Photos" for Mother's Day, too.
The oldest photo on my computer that had my Mom in it was this family photo. And, almost every other female in the photo, which happen to all be
my sisters, is a mom now, too! (2010)

 My mother, on her first visit to Wyoming, learning to snow-ski. (2013)

One of the first pictures I have of Jason's mom, Christine. (2013)

 My friend, Tiffany, took some nice "maternity photos" for me. (2016) Little-known fact: I hurt so badly that day, and I can see it in some of the close-up photos. I now know better than to operate an aerator at this stage of pregnancy!

The day before Little Jo (now known as Little Pumpkin) was born. My friends, and co-workers, Susan, Terrill, and I built this snowman with the first snow of the winter. (2016)

 Christmas Eve. The second photo I have of Pumpkin and myself, and she was about 5 weeks old. (2016)

 Myself, Pumpkin, and my Mom in Steamboat, Colorado a year ago in March. (2017)

This photo of Pumpkin and I picking strawberries was as close to a "one year ago today" photo as I could get. (2017)

Pumpkin and I in February this year. (2018)

The next two sets of photos are similar, yet six weeks apart. I thought it was kind of neat to see them together.

 Pumpkin and I six weeks ago while on vacation in Branson, Missouri. (2018)

Mother's Day 2018.

 In Branson again, facing the camera this time. (2018)

Mother's Day 2018.

Happy After Mother's Day to everyone!


  1. I LOVE these pictures! You look amazing, and Claire is adorable!

    1. Thanks, Katie! I was surprised at how well the photos turned out!


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