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My Bountiful Basket

Here is this weeks crop from Bountiful Baskets:

In my regular basket for $15.00 I got 1 head of Butter Lettuce, 1 bunch of asparagus, 1  bag of Redmoro Oranges, 1 hand of bananas, 2 Acorn Squash, 4 gigantic carrots, 2 green peppers, 8 roma tomatoes, 5 Braeburn apples, 5 pears, and 1 bulb of garlic
For $28.50, I got 24 packages of blackberries, 6 oz. each. (I'm guessing that's around $1.20 a package.)

(Picture a huge box of naval oranges here.)
For an additional $14.00, a friend and I are splitting 40 lbs. of naval oranges with 2 other people.

   My plan for all of this? Well, most of the regular basket will be eaten plain, such as salads, cooked carrots, etc. I'm happy for the garlic bulb to cook with! And Jason will be ecstatic with the asparagus, as it has been running $4.00/lb in the supermarket. (And it's his favorite vegetable.) The Acorn Squash I want to try roasting with potatoes and onions, like I did with the pumpkin over in Australia.
    The blackberries are another special treat. They are Jason's favorite fruit pretty much and they cost about $4.00 for 6 oz. in the supermarket. Thus, we have never bought them before. So I am sure he will be eating them by the handfuls, and whatever he doesn't eat, I am going to freeze to make cobbler, cheesecake, or other such yummi-ness.
    The oranges, I will probably just eat plain and maybe make some fruit salads, also. I just had the brilliant idea to juice some, as I have found an easy way to do that by hand. So we'll probably have fresh squeezed orange juice for a while. 
     And that concludes this weeks Bountiful Basket!

1 comment:

  1. That's quite a deal, I'd say, for your bountiful basket. I'm glad you have that. Mmmm-mm!


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